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Weddings for Laughs Part 3

I was browsing through the net and here are more interesting wedding news to share with you.

(For this wedding for laughs series, it was really interesting that part 2 wedding for laughs is so well-received.)

1. Men’s Ideal Wedding Gown?

sexy wedding


2. Love written in the ‘Stars’
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Are You Praised When You Made Mistakes?

This video is about my nephew’s first try to stand up, unassisted.

The parents and grandparents were clapping excitedly for every attempt he did to stand up. Even when his little legs gave way and he fell, there were encouragements to try again.

As I was watching this video, I am wondering to myself and asking my wife.

“Why is it when we have grown up, we have less praises and encouragement.
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Weddings for Laughs Part 2

I was browsing through the net to look for interesting wedding news to share with you.

(Hmmm, it was really interesting that part 1 wedding for laughs is so well-received.)

1. Matt & Jo’s Nude Wedding Ceremony!

naked wedding

Really interesting that you no need to spend a dime on your wedding dress. Here is why…More

2. Funny Wedding Photography
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Shocking Wedding News

shocking bride
From LeggNet

I was really tired after a 10km fast walk around a reservoir.

I was feeling pretty low today and my eyes are really tired.

I was really busy preparing for my wedding planning book relaunch by 31/5/08 and there are just so much things to do.

Anyway, here I am browsing through the net looking for wedding news to share.

The previous post on “Weddings For Laughs” received quite a number of views..about 100 views in less than 2 minutes.

This post is more solemn and it saddened me. There goes my day and my heart to what happened.

You can read the news by yourself and what I am going to do now is to hug my wife and tell her “I love you” when she comes home later.

Read on…

1. Cancer bride dies just 90 minutes after death-bed wedding

death bed wedding

A bride died from cancer just 90 minutes after her wedding and after a desperate race against time to carry out her last wish.

Elaine Stephenson, 48, a former nurse, married her partner of 11 years Chris Johnson, 50, in a bedside ceremony.

Tragically she died just an hour and a half later with Mr Johnson and her son Ashley, 17, at her side. More…
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Weddings for Laughs

I was browsing through the net to look for interesting wedding news to share with you.

1. You Don’t Need to Wear Wedding Gowns!

naked wedding

Ever consider getting married while you and your spouse are naked, with all your relatives looking on? Some Japanese couples have been opting for the ?Naked Wedding? version with great enthusiasm, according to an unverified source, so take your pick whether you believe this or not. More

2. $40 bet to smooch a stranger on the bus leads to wedding bells
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