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Archive for September, 2010

Tips for Dressing the Flower Girl


from one_love_photo

Most weddings have a flower girl, but in the hustle and bustle, it can be hard to remember that you need to plan what she’ll wear and what she’ll do. If you’re a bride, the choice of a flower girl can be difficult. After all, you may have many little girls in your family who would like to be involved in the wedding. Once you know who will be your flower girl, you’ll need to decide what she’s going to wear.

One thing that many people forget when dressing the flower girl is that she’s not a little doll or wedding accessory. Brides and mothers of the flower girl can both fall into the trap of trying to make their little darling look perfect, but not taking her comfort or interests into account. The result is an uncomfortable, unhappy little girl. So, when you’re figuring out what she’ll wear, remember to think about what it was like when you were little. Consider asking her opinion on dresses and styles – she probably has some preferences.
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If I Could do the Wedding Registry Thing Again…

from smoothdude

Sometimes, when planning our wedding, we benefit from the experience of those who have gone before us. I wish that I had talked to other married women before I got my bridal registry set up and asked them lots of questions, because if I had, I probably would have done things differently.

There is no right or wrong here, but now that I’m married and have gotten lots of presents via my bridal registry, I’d like to pass my hindsights on to you.

1. I wish I had registered at more than one place.
What did I know? I registered at one big department store figuring everyone knew that store. What I didn’t count on was that while this store was all over the west coast, it wasn’t on the east coast where my husband-to-be’s relatives were.
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What Attire Do You Want at Your Wedding Reception?

from swamibu

You’ve dreamed of the perfect wedding reception for years. You know exactly what you want and you’ve envisioned all the details from what the cake looks like to what the guests are wearing. But how do you make sure the guests wear the attire you’d like them to wear? Well, you could ask them.

Invitations often have a line added that mentions attire, such as “formal attire” or “casual attire”, and wedding invitations are no exception. What follows is a list of different attire labels and their descriptions.

This means pretty much anything is acceptable without being trashy or inappropriate for public viewing. This might be your choice if you are having an informal backyard barbeque reception.
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