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Archive for June, 2009

Best Love Quotes For Your Wedding

from lovequotes

As you prepare for your wedding, you’ll probably find times when you need just the right quote to go along with the moment. Here are a few places you might consider using a quote and some wonderful love quotes to match that occasion:

In the wedding ceremony –

“Marriage is an Athenic weaving together of families, of two souls with their individual fates and destinies, of time and eternity–everyday life married to the timeless mysteries of the soul.” – Thomas Moore
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Growing Together After Your Wedding

flower power
from suplada

As we approached the mid year, I began to reflect back how fast our time passes by.

It has been more than 2 years since we got married.

To me, it was as if it just happened yesterday.

How memorable!

At this moment in time, I am thinking back of the many ups and downs we as a married couple go through.

Definitely, there are times of sadness and tears and I will be lying if I tell you there isn’t.
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