I had the chance to interview Seetoh and Evelyn, the owners of IdeaGifts.com.sg.
Here is the email interview:
1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you startout and what is your wedding site & business about?
Idea Gifts is a dream turned reality – a dream between two persons with diversified passion, zeal and talents and one belief: One of whom has great interest and passion in gift-giving, brightening faces with interesting, innovative and heartfelt gifts; Another of whom has strong beliefs in sharing and presenting these great gifts to everyone in almost borderless manners, the popular online option.
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I had the chance to interview Bee, the owner of WeddingBee.com. In fact, WeddingBee.com has been rated by Romance-Fire.com in December 07 as one of the Top 10 Wedding Sites You Must Know!
Here is the email interview:
1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you startout and what is your wedding site & business about?
My name is Bee, and I run weddingbee.com, a wedding planning community comprised of a blog, messageboards, classifieds, a wiki, and beetv where users can interact with “bees” over live video and chat. We help brides plan their weddings by showcasing real brides and their stories.
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Cheap. It’s such a harsh sounding word … until you realize you’re about to put on a twenty thousand dollar party. Suddenly, the word “cheap” takes on a whole new meaning.
So, you want to follow the time-honored tradition of thanking your guests for coming with wedding favors ? but you don’t have a lot left over after paying the photographer, band, florist, etc? Well, we have a suggestion?candy. Who doesn?t love candy?
Guests love candy, because it is practical and delicious. You’ll love candy, because it makes for a not-only-cheap, but interesting edible wedding favor. Your choices can range from personalized candy wrappers to decorated cookie favors.
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photo from aknacerWedding invitations are now available in an array of colors and designs.
It is as if they are customised for your preference, style and liking.
While looking for a sutiable wedding invitations, do allow yourself sufficient time to choose.
Make sure they suit your personal style and your wedding theme. Spend time looking through bridal magazines and wedding invitation websites. Yes, it may be time-consuming but it will allow you to choose the best wedding invitations.
Also check for misspellings and get a third party to proof-read for you. They amy be able to tell you how they find the writings. Allow time for reprinting just in case there is any error.
Wedding invitations set the tone of your wedding. It is the first thing that your guests see and feel prior to attending your wedding.
So make sure you do your research right!
If you have a tight buget, you can check out on these money-saving tips.
Here are 5 samples I personally like. (If these are not enough, visit websites which sell wedding invitations.)
Number 1:
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