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5 Stylish Wedding Invitations! Vote for your Favorites!

Wedding Invitations
photo from aknacer

Wedding invitations are now available in an array of colors and designs.

It is as if they are customised for your preference, style and liking.

While looking for a sutiable wedding invitations, do allow yourself sufficient time to choose.

Make sure they suit your personal style and your wedding theme. Spend time looking through bridal magazines and wedding invitation websites. Yes, it may be time-consuming but it will allow you to choose the best wedding invitations.

Also check for misspellings and get a third party to proof-read for you. They amy be able to tell you how they find the writings. Allow time for reprinting just in case there is any error.

Wedding invitations set the tone of your wedding. It is the first thing that your guests see and feel prior to attending your wedding.

So make sure you do your research right!

If you have a tight buget, you can check out on these money-saving tips.

Here are 5 samples I personally like. (If these are not enough, visit websites which sell wedding invitations.)

Number 1:

Thank You Cards

Number 2:
Wedding Invitations

Number 3:

Wedding Invitations

Number 4:

Wedding Invitations

Number 5:

Wedding Invitations

Vote for your Favorites by replying in the comments below!

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5 Responses to “5 Stylish Wedding Invitations! Vote for your Favorites!”

  1. 1
    kad?n Says:

    i like number 3 very much

  2. 2
    samsung Says:

    yes number 3 is very elegant

  3. 3
    kad?n Says:

    and white is also very elegant like always
    i loved 4th one

  4. 4
    Mike@Motorola Says:

    Checking the date and time is very important as well. The company I used actually got the time of the wedding wrong on the invites. We almost sent them out not noticing.

  5. 5
    Adrienne@Wedding Invitations Says:

    Wow, those invitations are so beautiful. I really like the 4th one.

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