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Archive for the 'Wedding Reception Planning' Category

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How to Make Your Wedding Reception Enjoyable For Everyone

Have you ever been to a wedding reception where guests sit around in little groups of people they know and no one mingles or looks like they’re having a very good time? And it’s all slightly awkward? Yep, I have too. This is not how you want your wedding reception to go. You want people to mingle and get to know each other, especially both sides of the two families involved. Plus, you want everyone to have a good time.

Let’s explore ways to help your guests feel comfortable so they’ll relax, open up, and enjoy themselves.

1. Start the bonding between families and friends at the bridal showers and bachelor party. That way the people at these events will have some common ground with each other when it comes time for the wedding reception. Even if they didn’t previously know each other, they will now have some shared history.
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If I Could do the Wedding Registry Thing Again…

from smoothdude

Sometimes, when planning our wedding, we benefit from the experience of those who have gone before us. I wish that I had talked to other married women before I got my bridal registry set up and asked them lots of questions, because if I had, I probably would have done things differently.

There is no right or wrong here, but now that I’m married and have gotten lots of presents via my bridal registry, I’d like to pass my hindsights on to you.

1. I wish I had registered at more than one place.
What did I know? I registered at one big department store figuring everyone knew that store. What I didn’t count on was that while this store was all over the west coast, it wasn’t on the east coast where my husband-to-be’s relatives were.
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What Attire Do You Want at Your Wedding Reception?


from carpeicthus

You’ve dreamed of the perfect wedding reception for years. You know exactly what you want and you’ve envisioned all the details from what the cake looks like to what the guests are wearing. But how do you make sure the guests wear the attire you’d like them to wear? Well, you could ask them.

Invitations often have a line added that mentions attire, such as “formal attire” or “casual attire”, and wedding invitations are no exception. What follows is a list of different attire labels and their descriptions.
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Tips on Registering for Your Wedding


from jonathan_stilts

A lot of planning and decision-making goes into a wedding and creating the registry is one of those things that demands these two things from the engaged couple. Most think that creating a registry is as simple as walking into a store and selecting a few items that tickle their fancy; but in reality, this is not the case.

The registry is more than just a wedding wish list. It’s a way of beginning a new life as a married couple, by thinking about your needs and wants as a pair. It also makes things easier for your guests who want to wish you a lifetime of happiness. By letting them know what you want or need, they’ll be getting you something that will aid you in building your newly married life and your home together. It also eliminates the possibility of duplicate items, or items that you don’t necessarily need or even want.
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What Attire Do You Want at Your Wedding Reception?

from carpeicthus

You’ve dreamed of the perfect wedding reception for years. You know exactly what you want and you’ve envisioned all the details from what the cake looks like to what the guests are wearing. But how do you make sure the guests wear the attire you’d like them to wear? Well, you could ask them.

Invitations often have a line added that mentions attire, such as “formal attire” or “casual attire”, and wedding invitations are no exception. What follows is a list of different attire labels and their descriptions.

This means pretty much anything is acceptable without being trashy or inappropriate for public viewing. This might be your choice if you are having an informal backyard barbeque reception.
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