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Archive for June, 2010

Whiteflash.com – Lord of the Online Rings

“Best E-Tailers”
For custom work, Whiteflash.com is the lord of the online rings. Unlike many e-tailers, Whiteflash customizes nearly half its jewelry.

Five measures of perfection

You’ve heard of the traditional four “C”s to size up a diamond – carat, clarity, color and cut. Some of the best diamond-raters have added a fifth “C” to that list: cut grade. Use these measures to make sure you get the right diamond for your needs, especially when buying one sight unseen.
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What Attire Do You Want at Your Wedding Reception?


from carpeicthus

You’ve dreamed of the perfect wedding reception for years. You know exactly what you want and you’ve envisioned all the details from what the cake looks like to what the guests are wearing. But how do you make sure the guests wear the attire you’d like them to wear? Well, you could ask them.

Invitations often have a line added that mentions attire, such as “formal attire” or “casual attire”, and wedding invitations are no exception. What follows is a list of different attire labels and their descriptions.
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