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Archive for May, 2007

Choosing Wedding Photographers

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When choosing photographer, it is important to know some of the better ones through word of mouths. It is only when you can get first hand feedback from your friend or whoever recommend from.

Even if there is any that is not recommended, ask why so that you can take note of common pitfalls.

I remembered my wife contacted this photographer who had a fantatsic web site with wonderful work pieces featured. However, the photographer was very quiet when my wife met him to look at his work. He admit that he was still very new and still shy at times.

My wife thanked him for his honesty and gave him some suggestions to improve on his sales technique.

There were many times that my wife had to cold call at least thirty photographers ranging from freelance to professional.

December 2006 was a hot period and many better photographers were booked. To avoid having no more contact to call, my wife asked for recommendations from the previous photographer.
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Asian Wedding Brides are More Stressed

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Women multi-task nowadays ranging from doing office work to housework.

Again, the new generation of women seldom do housework in Singapore. If you are doing otherwise, you are a rare gem in the women’s society and men ought to know you now.

Over 54 per cent of women in Singapore work. Plus they have to learn to cope with the mounting pressure from their bosses and the accelerating pace.

If today you can do 5 things, you are expected to do 10 things tomorrow and 20 things on the following day.

With technology, women are expected to work 24/7/365. Can you imagine your wife still checking emails from her Blackberry at 11pm on the bed?

With emails, sms, WiFi and so on, women are always on call, juggling appointments, deadlines and above all, multi-tasking.

In fact, most brides could have been worried with the additional family obligations they have to do after marriage.

Not only they have to be their husbands’ wives, they also have to be mothers, house-keepers. daughter-in-laws and so on.

Beisde putting in long hours of work in the office, women may have to rush home to oversee housework and cook dinner for everyone else at home.

I must say women are the greatest on this planet as they often put their own needs last.

A simple fact is without women, there won’t be men.

Another big worry for women is the change in appearance after pregnancy. Have you come across more and more slimming programes targetting at pregnant mothers?
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Wedding Author Ranking

In a very reputable electronic magazine website ezinearticles.com, I’m ranked as the 10th author among 1259 authors under “Wedding” category.

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I am really fascinated and I’m grateful to all the regular readers I have. Some of my wedding articles were downloaded over 100 to 200 times and some emailed my articles to other friends.

In total, there are over 4000 views on my articles since I began submission of these ezine articles in mid of April 2007.

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I would like to use this opportunity to thank My Wedding Blog readers.

May My Wedding Blog soar to greater heights!!! with your continuous support of course.

Everyday Wedding Surprises

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To me, marriage is like a little seed. If you want to nurture it into a strong tree, there must be care and love given everyday.

Many times, such acts of love disappeared after the wedding day.

I was crossing the road one day and I saw an old man in his seventies, holding his wife’s hands tightly. They were walking very slowly and were struggling to cross the road. However, I saw from the old man’s face, he was determined to ensure his wife was safe by holding her close to him.

His wife was in her seventies too.

At that point in time, I realised the power of love and had the belief that love can be sustained even till death do couples part.

It is not easy to maintain relationship. No one said it is. Even mother-daughter relationship has its ups and downs all the times. So does marriage.

In fact, to make sure our relationship grows into a strong and lasting one, acts of shower of love must be done on everyday basis.

There is no need to splurge lavish gifts on the woman of your life. All you need to do is to take note what matters to her.
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What if Wedding Has Been Postponed?

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I have heard from a friend that her wedding has been postponed. It is very sad indeed to hear the news from her.

There were a few exchange of emails and I learnt from her that she is a strong lady.

Postponement of weddings could arise from many factors.

One of the reasons could be that either the groom or bride has to continue working due to some very important project. They may need to fly off to another country just to seal some multi-million deals with some multi-national companies.

In summary, they are indispensable and their companies need them.

Another reason that I have come across is that either one party has second doubt about committment to the marriage and want more time to think about it.

The third reason that I could think of is either one of the parties could have met with an accident or is unfit for the commencement of the weddings.

Personally, I feel it is really painful for the wedding couples to come to a common consensus to postpone their weddings. It is not an easy decision to make together.
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