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Choosing Wedding Photographers

As Featured On Ezine Articles

When choosing photographer, it is important to know some of the better ones through word of mouths. It is only when you can get first hand feedback from your friend or whoever recommend from.

Even if there is any that is not recommended, ask why so that you can take note of common pitfalls.

I remembered my wife contacted this photographer who had a fantatsic web site with wonderful work pieces featured. However, the photographer was very quiet when my wife met him to look at his work. He admit that he was still very new and still shy at times.

My wife thanked him for his honesty and gave him some suggestions to improve on his sales technique.

There were many times that my wife had to cold call at least thirty photographers ranging from freelance to professional.

December 2006 was a hot period and many better photographers were booked. To avoid having no more contact to call, my wife asked for recommendations from the previous photographer.

What she found helpful was the personal contact with the photographer.

Firstly, it was to see his work in hard copy.

Secondly, it was to get to know the photographer and see if you enjoy working with him.

Thirdly, it was a good chance to talk to any other customer present and ask for feedback.

Fourthly, it was to see the products that are offered beside photos. They could be albums, CDs and so on.

Fifthly, it was to have a feel of how the company is like judging from the office and studio environment.

I managed to get an e-voucher from 3some.com.sg

As 3some promotion voucher

Again, remember the above 5 steps before confirming any photography package from any photographer.

Please bear in mind that Romance-Fire has no affiliation with this company, and we cannot vouch for or bear responsibility for quality of products or services provided.

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