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Archive for January, 2007

Hand-made, Edible rock candy style lollies and sugar art

Looking for wedding favors…im not sure if this can be one of your ideas…>.< https://lickalicioussweetz.wordpress.com/

Another wedding website: https://mikeliswedding.simpleartsplanet.com/

I chanced upon another wedding web site by a fellow member I met at singaporebrides.com forum.

Look at it…I’m sure you will love it. >.<

Wedding Snapshots 14: Back for tea-ceremony at groom’s house

When we left the bride’s home, we headed straight back to our home.

The weather during my wedding was nice and warm. The sun wasn’t very hot and luckily it didn’t rain. Can you imagine the inconvenience we may have if it poured?

When we reached home, all my relatives were here. We were very excited and delighted.

Time for tea-ceremony. Everyone got into position…my aunties prepared the tea-cups set and arranged two chairs side by side.

As each cup of tea was served, my cousin was saying nice words…he sounded like the Master of Ceremony for tea-ceremony. :p

Though we had to serve tea to at least 30 relatives, the tea-ceremony lasted for just 15 minutes or so.

Happy times passed very quickly!

Planning wedding in general

As Featured On Ezine Articles

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No one says that wedding-planning is a smooth route. Generally, fulfilling tasks like booking the wedding venues or purchasing clothing and other wedding accessories are easy.

The challenging aspect is partnering with your love one to complete this wonderful once-in-a-lifetime task together.

There will be many times to test how much both of you support, communicate and understand each other.

There will be times when practices and customs from both families clash. There will be times when the bride and groom have to come to a compromise what they really want for their wedding, putting aside their ideal wedding in their mind?There will be times when stressors from work, family and wedding planning become too overwhelming for the couple to carry?

There may be feelings like joyfulness and pleasure when things are going well as planned. On the other hand, there may be other feelings such as anger and frustrations when couples feel that they may not be supported or understood why certain decisions have to be made because of traditional beliefs or because their parents say so.

For me, planning the wedding with my wife has its ups and downs too. Though challenging, I find it as an invaluable time to really better understand my wife and to really support her in terms of the decisions she made and the plans she had in mind.

I find it even more fulfilling when we went through the wedding day together?hand-in-hand?and living to the fullest the magical experience we had on our wedding day? >.< I really hope that this wedding-planning guide is really useful for you and I hereby wish you and your love one have a superb time of planning your wedding together.

– Jhong Ren

My lifetime commitment to you – from Ju


~~~(@ ~~~(@ Vows ~~~(@ ~~~(@

I promise to love you
Honour you
Comfort you and keep you in sickness
And in health
And be faithful to you
So long as we both shall live.

~~~(@ ~~~(@ ~~~(@ ~~~(@