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Archive for March, 2011

Wedding Dresses And Superstitions

from ballyooo

The wedding dress has been a focal point of almost any wedding for almost four hundred years. Besides being a design that would make the bride look pure and angelic, the wedding dress was often more than just a beautiful decoration when you consider the superstitions that surround it.

Initially, the bridal gown was a symbol of the bride’s purity and suitability as a wife and bearer of the groom’s children. The union of two people was often considered a union of two families for economic reasons or to build political strength. With those underlying motivations and the superstitions around almost every aspect of the bride’s wedding gown, most weddings conducted in some early ceremonies from a few centuries back were strictly crafted to accomplish much more than joining two people in love.
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7 Questions To Ask Before Your Wedding

from spaceodissey

It is easy to get carried away with your wedding plans and be totally consumed with the details for months before the big day. Regardless of how long you and your intended have known each other, or lived together, there are questions that need to be discussed between you if you want a good marriage.

For all its glamour and excitement, your wedding lasts one day in the rest of your life. Discussing the following questions could have a real impact on whether or not the two of you marry at all.
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