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Archive for the 'Celebrity Wedding Gown' Category

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16 Most Beautiful Celebrity Wedding Gowns That Will Make You Look Like A Million Bucks!

Celebrity wedding has always been hot topics among us, the commoners.

The cost of a wedding cake can be equivalent to the our 2 or even 5 years salary.

Hmmm…..what about the cost of the diamond celebrity engagement rings?

That can feed a few thousands, if not million of people for a day or two.

Celebrity wedding gowns are really expensive too and we can only sit in front of our TV and look with envy.

And maybe a dream or two that night that we are the bride or the groom.

And world-famouos designers like Christian Dior, Vera Wang, Carolina Herrera, and Lawrence Steele will most probably be designing the celebrities wedding gowns and dresses and even for the whole family.

I did some search on celebrity weddings and throughout the process, I can’t help but admire the beauty of the celebrity wedding pictures. (but also wonder why some of their weddings are so short-lived?)

“16 Most Beautiful Celebrity Wedding Gowns That Will Make You Look Like A Million Bucks!”

1. Renee Zelleweger

celebrity wedding photos
photo from dailymail.co.uk

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