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Archive for January, 2011

Weird Weddings and Traditions

from 7500645

With many future brides designing elegant, fancy weddings with all the trappings that thousands of wedding shops are willing to sell to them, there is a growing undercurrent of weirdness that is putting a new face on getting married.

Some ceremonies are merely strange, like these:

In Georgia, a young couple got married in a Waffle House parking lot after the groom finished his shift at the establishment. The bride’s father walked his daughter, in a wedding gown, across the asphalt. They said their vows under a tree next to the parking lot and went inside the Waffle House to cut the wedding waffle.
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More Games For Wedding Showers

from carpeicthus

Traditionally, wedding showers can be hosted by the bridesmaids, Maid of Honor, mother of the bride, sisters or a close friend. The traditional purpose is to shower the bride-to-be with useful gifts that will give her a start with her new life. A secondary purpose is to have fun and celebrate the pending wedding with the bride during her last days as a single woman.

Games at wedding showers are standard methods of getting the guests to relax, laugh and get to know each other. The games do not have to be elaborate but some consideration has to be given to the size of the room for the shower.
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