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5 Responses to “Contact Me”

  1. 1
    daphne Says:

    Hello.Finally get to read some parts of your blog.Been so busy.Saw ur msg to me.Hehe thx alot n i’m sure i wil need ur help while plannin fr my customary.hehe.now i’m more of lookin out fr venues fr e dinner.e rest i can tk my time i suppose. hehe…n i wil now save evrytin to as many places as possible already.n i rmb ur blog url by heart.hahaa

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    hi daphne, im sure u can do a good one.. 🙂 all the best! 🙂

  3. 3
    jillian Says:

    There is a dress under your “3 bridal hair styles online” section that has blue in it! Please tell me who makes that dress if you know!!!! That is the dress I would love to have!!! Please Please Please tell me if you know! Its got blue strips going down and she has her hair all pulled back and a necklace that is a chocker with a flower on!!! Please let me know if you know who makes that dress!!! Thank you!!!!!!
    Jillian Marie

  4. 4
    sevkiye Says:

    hi i’ve seen a dress on your website a turqouise dress bridesmaid.its silky and the back is open. just want to know how much it is? please could you let me know as soon as possible.

  5. 5
    John Yeo Says:

    Thanks…all emails have been replied =)

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