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Wedding of Kloudiia and Stuart

My friends Stuart and Kloudiia are getting married this weekend.

I am so happy for them and they will soon be moving into another chapter of their lives.

They have created a wedding website which they posted their wedding venues and the time to reach. Plus, there are opt-in boxes for you to enter your name and email addresses if you are attending their weddings.

I think it is really convenient in the sense yoou can save the trees (no need wedding invitation card) and you can save your time (no need to go around delivering them).

Hmm, talking about the modern way of giving out invitations cards. You have the internet plus using sms from mobile phones. Wow! E-invitations!

In 14th December 2007, Singapore’s Changi Airport Terminal 3 hold a Paradise wedding photo contestand many soon-to-wed couples went snapping away with their photographers in the newly opened airport.

Stuart and Kloudiia were one of the pairs, having their photoshots in the airport.

I think the experience was a unique one in the sense the airport is newly opened and you don’t really get to have the chance of entering a photo contest prior to your own wedding.

And interestingly, they took this shot in the toilet. I think so…from what I interpreted from Kloudiia’s blog.

Kloudiia and Stuart

Wow, imagine next time your wedding photographer asks you for a photo-taking venue and you replied him – the Continue Reading »

A Husband’s Role In A Marriage

wedidng rings on book

One year after my wedding, I finally have time to meet up with some friends on Saturday night and it was a good catch up.

Two of us, including myself are married and we no doubt agree that our roles have been changing over time. And they still are.

Before marriage, we were bachelors always working for ourselves and we had the freedom to plan our daily schedule. We just have to work to bring in monthly income both for ourselves and our parents, at least for me.

I recalled while planning our wedding, it was not easy. I somehow felt the stretch in me, at least financially.

Finance was my biggest worry then and it still is.

Wedding took up most of my savings and drove my saving account to below zero mark. Luckily, my loving mother was helping me pay at least half of the bills and I still owe her the money.

After marriage, we have so much to plan for and these are the ones.
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