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What Does Buying Of Wedding Rings Mean To Me?

wedding rings couple
photo from starshine137

Do you know what it takes for a guy to buy wedding rings or even proposal rings?

Pure gut and courage.

I have never bought a pair of rings alone, none other than the times I stepped into a jewelry shop with my mom when I was young and I spent most of the times spinning in circles while on their stools.

Now while recalling the times I went to buy a proposal ring for my wife, I was a nervous freak. I was also clueless of what to buy and where to buy and what to look out for.

I think I was then the most easily conned customer.

I brought along an army of my female colleagues. In fact only 2 but they provided a wealth of knowledge as their past times are shopping for jewelry.

After that experience, I was more equipped on what to look out for when buying our wedding rings.

I decided to show off in front of my wife and I educated her about the style and the type of rings available in the market – whether it is pure gold, or platinum or a mixture of both.

I can consider myself of above-amateur level when it comes to the suitability of the rings to fingers of both genders.

You know we all have different fingers size and lengths – some are short and think while others are long and slender and it applies to men too.

As for me, my finger is long and slender and I am proud of it and I love simplicity.

My wife too and we settled for a combination of platinum and white gold.

Also look out for the period of the warranty of your wedding rings.

I got a lifetime warranty.

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