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Honeymoon Flights To Nowhere!

Honeymoon Flights
photo from snowtank2007

With the New Rich (NR) coming along, there is no limit to the number of leaves you can take for your honeymoon.

NR is a new group of online entrepreneurs who made their millions, if not billions online within a span of 5 years and they are still young (in their twenties) and going to get married.

In summary, they work for themselves and there is no need to get their leaves approved by someone else.

They approve their own leaves.

So let’s say you are one of the new rich with at least 4 weeks of honeymoon to cover, where will you get your flight tickets?

Going through local travel agencies will incur a middleman fee and 4 weeks of honeymoon will need you to spend a considerable sum of money.

So the focus here is cheap flights.

From experience, 75% of the travel expenses is on flights and lodgings. So if we can cut down on these two, we can re-channel the saved money to something else, perhaps more shopping which your wife will happily agree!

If I were you, I will replan my honeymoon away from Seoul (where we only went for our actual honeymoon)

My new plan will be from Singapore to Switzerland then going to Sweden then to Spain and maybe another few days in South Africa and then flying to US.

Remember I have 4 weeks of holidays and that is 28 days and I can at any time extend my holiday as I am my own boss.

Sill being your own boss is not an excuse to squander all your money without thinking into the future.

So do make sure you grab your discount airfare whenever you have the chance to.

Enjoy your new honeymoon!

So will I!

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