Is This Another Wedding Disaster?
photo from feijeriemersma
You know of any wedding that never went smooth?
I know of many. In fact, all the wedding have their own stories to tell you, so do yours if you are planning one right now.
I have always asked myself what is the purpose of my wedding blog.
I look at the hundreds of wedding blogs and sites out there, there are in fact talking about wedding glamour.
Wedding ceremonies have always been pained beautifully and in advertisements and commercials, you are made to believe there is something called “your dream wedding”.
Wake up my friend! There is no dream wedding, no ideal wedding,
There is only disaster wedding – wedding waiting to go awfully wrong and here is why.
You must have heard of wedding vow too – “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish ?till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness.”
And in fact, wedding planning is a test of faith – your faith in making things work out with your love one, no matter how bad or gloomy it seems to be.
Fail your wedding planning means fail your marriage life.
Wedding planning has been the test of times. What you think can go wrong will go wrong; what you don’t think will go wrong may go wrong.
Just expect the unexpected.
Having convinced that wedding planning is never a smooth one. I have thought about how my blog can add value to you – by preparing you with the unexpected.
After having posted this post on asking my subscribers “is this the worst wedding scenario?“, I have received about 15 worry emails from brides from all over the world.
photo from dissent_is_cool
In a email, a bride shared that her husband-to-be is just like how I illiustrated the groom in the post. He is not bothered about the wedding planning, he doesn’t seem to care, he is not helpful either and the bride is left all alone to plan their big day herself.
I really hope that her groom will help her soon. It is never too late to start or even worse, later let her plan their marriage life by herself.
In another email of a bride in the States, she shared that her monstrous mother-in-law was taking control over the world – her world of having her own wedding.
Help! Someone please help this dear bride to remind her mother-in-law that the wedding belongs to the couple, not the mom.
Her situation even got more disastrous when the groom was not very helpful and he fears his own mother. The groom dares not confront his own mother and the bride was feeling really helpless.
What if things go wrong in the marriage, will the groom stand up for this bride against his own mother? I doubt so.
In a marriage, there will be lots of such times a husband need to stand up for his wife. There will be times like this and lots of it for you to test the love in your marriage relationship.
So what are the wedding disaster story you have heard about? We would love to hear about it so that we can all learn and support each other.

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