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Top 10 Wedding Sites You Must Know! – Brides.com

Apart from wedding blogs like bridalwave.tv which I featured in the previous post, there are many useful and fantastically info-filled wedding sites such as Brides.com.

Brides.com has been one of the most established wedding sites available online with a page rank of 8 upon 10, meaning that it is a humongous wedding site with insane amount of wedding info available for brides and grooms.

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

I believe that household names of bridal magazines like “Brides”, “Elegant Bride” and “Modern Brides” are not uncommon to the ears of ladies, especially for those who have been visiting local magazine stores to look for bridal magazines.

In fact, I bought about 3 issues of Brides and Modern Brides while I was planning my wedding last year. Erh, surprised that a guy read bridal magazines too?

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

I really took away alot of valuable wedding planning tips from these magazines. There are many pictures of lovely wedding gowns that brides can see before they decide which gowns suit them. And why is it so?

Because there are tons of bridal studios advertising in their magazines.

One good tip when choosing your wedding gown is to bookmark those pages with the gowns you like.

Bring the magazines to the studios and show them to the staff. I’m sure they can help find the gowns which you like. It is easier using pictures rather than trying really very hard to explain verbally what kind of gowns you prefer.

Check out the other good tip in this post about fashion…

When it comes to fashion, we always thought that it is limited only to what the bride is wearing. Many a times, we forgot that other people need special tailored, if not, bought dresses or gowns during the wedding day.

Don’t forget we still have the lovely bridesmaids, the handsome groomsmen, the very excited and maybe extremely anxious mother-in-laws

So you can check out what you can get for them, and also remember to check out their Fashion pages on jewelry, accessories, tuxedos and suits.

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

As you are looking through the numerous wedding gowns, you will feel overwhelmed by the number of choices you have.

It is normal to feel this way and sometimes even confused by the availablity of gowns.

Perhaps, a quiz comes at the right time to help you decide what preference of wedding gowns you really like.

Brides.com allows you to take the Wedding Gown Quiz here.

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

The other major concern for brides is naturally their complexion and skin condition.

I have a friend who is a beautician and she mentioned to me that in fact, many ladies do not really know how to take care of their skin in the right manner.

There are some brides who prefer to listen to their friends who have no understanding of the brides’ skin sensitivity and recommend them new skin products just months before their wedding day.

And guess what!

There is deteoriation of skin condition, rashes on the face and even outbreak of pimples.

What a price to pay for listening to friends’ advice!

Check out their pages on Makeup & Skin Care to learn how to take care of your skin and body so that you can look really fabulous on your wedding day.

Sometimes, I know that some brides want fast results and they start using new products with promises of fast relief of pimples or such.

If you are still not sure if the skin products suit you, always consult a professional. The safest way is to always use the skin products that you have used before.

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

Next, find out more about which Honeymoon Destinations you want.

They have destinations to Australia and South Pacific, Carribbean, Europe, Hawaii and Mexico.

One point to note is to always manage your budget well. Yes, you want to go to Europe for your 4 weeks of honeymoon. (I want too!)

And you can only do so in this way.

Set aside how much you need for your trip and make sure you control other wedding expenses tightly.

You don’t want to overspill into the savings you set aside for your Europe trip.

So, go read up more about these places from Brides.com and it can give you a gauge which are the places you want to visit and how much money do you need.

Yah, there is one last thing the website can tell you.

brides.com top 10 wedding sites

There is even a feature on the top destination brides travel to for their honeymoon.

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