3 Things You & Your Husband Can Do Everyday

“Life is boring.” most couples would say.
“There is nothing else to do.”
I personally believe there is so much things you and your husband can do together everyday.
1. Unwind Together
For a start, after a busy day at work, you and your dear can sit together over a cup of Earl grey and update each other about the days’ happenings.
Do allocate some time to share and hear from both parties so that both husband and wife have equal amount of time to share and unload their emotional barges.
We won’t want so much of over-talking from only one party, leaving no chance for the other to unwind at all.
2. Sleep Together
This is the worst habit of people living in city like ours. Our home has become like a second company and people bring work home to do.
I know that most of us may be guilty of this. We, having to work from 9am to 8pm at least, are already physically and mentally tired. So turn in early when you have enough rest.
Ok fine, I know you are already hearing your boss screaming into your ear for not promising to complete the project file and for not leaving it on her desk first thing in the morning.
You have no choice but to do it.
So, the husband can give the wife a 10 minutes massage on the shoulder and the temples which are the most stressed area. On some soothing and relaxing classical music and let the mind be completely calm at least for the next few minutes.
Now it is time for the husband to sleep but the wife is still working. It is quite weird to turn in alone especially when the bed is so big and the husband may feel so alone.
I think it is also good practice to accompany him.
This advice for the husband is don’t disappear to the bed as quiet as a mouse. It is highly advisable for the wife to accompany the husband to bed and at least stay by hims side for a few minutes before resuming work.
And remember to kiss him good night.
3. Take dinner Together
It would be good if you can meet your husband for dinner. I know it may be very difficult for some especially those working round the clock till 12 midnight.
You may want to make it a point to do this on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and over the weekends.
These are family times and nothing is more important than eating together as a family.
Meal times are superd time for catching up and relaxing over a nice meal. Home-cooked food is even better as the love put into the cooking can both soothe the mind and stomach.
I make sure I wait for my wife to come back before I take my dinner and some times waiting for an hour or two.
I value family time and it is the only time we can literally sit together for a resonable amount of time, without getting ourselves busy to do our own work.
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