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Archive for July, 2007

Romance-Fire Newsletter Issue 4 is Out!!!

wedding blog newsletter

Limited To Only 37 Downloads!!!
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Romance-Fire Newsletter Issue 3 is Out!!!

wedding blog newsletter

Limited To Only 40 Downloads!!!
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“100 Charities” Project

bright smiles

To reach out to the more needy during this coming Christmas, we are embarking on a “Wedding Blog” project.

We want to reach out to 100 charities, giving them a present each during this Christmas Day.

Check out our New Project on reaching out to them.

Romance-Fire Newsletter Issue 2 is Out!!!

wedding blog newsletter

Limited To Only 45 Downloads!!!
Click here to get Your FREE Copy!!!

7 Ways Never to Argue with Your Spouse Ever!!!

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Announcement: To keep this FREE Article, You can Now Download right here…

anger arguing

I have heard of many stories of couples enjoying their honeymoon period. And when the baby comes, they start to quarrel because of many unresolved issues and mismatched expectations.

They may be quarreling over whose turn it is to take care of their baby, or whose turn to wake up 4am to feed the baby, or whose turn to fork out money for the baby-sitter.

The list just goes on and on. Minor stuff like the food is too hot or the bed is not made can be trigger the volcano at home to erupt uncontrollably.

Do you want to know the number one secret how all these can be avoided instantly?

The secret lies in your pre-wedding.

Would you want to know the 7 secrets never to argue with your spouse again?

1. Use pre-wedding to understand your spouse-to-be

There are hundred and one new thing to discover about your spouse during the wedding planning stage. As time passes and you realised that “why is it my partner behaves like that?” or “why is she like this?”

It is not that your partner has changed. It is because you have yet to spend enough time seeing their private selves in the past.

Each of us has a public and a private self. Even married couples of twenty over years may not necessarily have discovered the most private aspect of their spouse.

2. Discover how both of you can cope healthily
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