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Wedding Solemnisation

This was my first time to have gone through a Buddhist Solemnisation.

It was held at Marina Mandarin Singapore.

Wedding Programme Schedule for Solemnisation:
1. Guests to be seated at 6pm sharp/ all lay out to be done
2. MC announced the purpose of gathering today
3. Singers sang a love song to the wedding couple
4. MC announced the march in (in sequence) of the groom’s parents, bride’s parents, solemniser and the wedding couple
5. Wedding Vows
6. Words of gratitude from newly wed to parents
7. Words of advice and blessings from bride and groom’s parents
8. Word of gratitude from newly wed to relatives and friends

The past solemnisation I had attended was either done at the Registry of Marriage or in churches.

My cousin’s solemnisation was conducted in a function hall, about the size of a basketball court. The room was just next to the ball room.

It was really unique, peaceful and quiet one.

More friends turned up than expected to give their blessings. Hence, many stood around to watch the ceremony.

It was conducted in Chinese and there were songs of love and romance which filled the air.

The newly wed had to express words of gratitudes to their parents for raising them up into fine adults.

Parents of both parties had to give word of advice and blessings to the newly wed.

It was a touching moment when words of appreciation filled the atmosphere.

It was a terrific evening, a good warm-up for the wedding dinner later on.

The ceremony was about 1 hour and when it ended, guests were invited for a cocktail reception at the waiting area outside the ball room.

The wedding dinner would commence at 7.30pm sharp. However, it rarely happened that dinners started on time. Some guests were never on time.

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