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Happy Valentine Every-Day!!!

Showing love to your love one seemed to be extra important on this very special day – Valentine Day…

Boyfriends/ husbands spend extra money and effort on looking for lavish gifts and arranging costly dinner just to give the most romantic dinner to their love ones.

Every lady would want a very romantic dinner…even guys too…guys would want their girlfriends/ wives to arrange an extraordinary dinner for them to make them feel very special and important…

As for us…celebrating Valentine Day started one week ago…

Preparing her Valentine Day’s gifts and arranging to give my wife different gifts on different days make every year’s Valentine Day seem longer than just a day…and we went for our dinner many days ago just to avoid the crowd.

Though it is not on the day itself, but what matter most is treasuring every single moment we spent together.

It is now 12.40am on this very special day and I want to wish every reader of mine a very Happy Valentine Day!

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