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I have a dream…

Marriage is a happy occasion…the wedding is moment-in-time when the couple sign on paper and commit to each other forever, be it in sickness or in health, in poorness or in prosperity…

a committment I must say, must not be broken…but when I looked around me, couples chose the easy way out handling their difference…seeking divorce as the only solution…and saying “it is for the good for the family…”

I’m not sure how many of you are from divorced families…or feel like you are from one…a family where mom and dad are always quarrelling and arguing seems to be the normal way and the only way they can communicate….and they threatened each other with the word “divorce”…

as a result, even before divorce really takes place…how many of us, the children in the families are affected? and how are we, the children, being affected? and how do we actually feel now when we play the unhappy images in our mind, hearing the commotion in this place we call home?

I have a dream…a dream when man and woman can sit down and talk….sort differences just like how mature and grown-up adults do…

I have a dream…one day…if it really happens, we won’t hear of the word “divorce” again and every child…including you and all the children around you…will never be short-changed of the chance to grow up under the caring wings of both mommy and daddy…

I have a dream…one day…all wedding couples…even before they got themselves into this comittment…to truly understand what they are in for…to love their spouses genuinely…with minimal expectation of getting any returns…

to truly empathise each other no matter what challenges and frustrations they are going through everyday…and to cry comfortably in front of each other…knowing that they have at least someone, who is so dear to them, continue to believe in them… and love them…as who they really are…and not trying to change them into someone who they are not…

“My Wedding Blog, as you would have noticed if you are following it from the day I started before my wedding till now after my wedding, has slowly evolved into a blog that provides tips not just on wedding preparation.

I hope to use this as a community project to spread useful relationship tips to couples….married or not…to truly love and respect each other….and to accept each other as who they really are…

If you are interested to leave a comment or take part in this project I’m in, feel free to leave comment or put a message in the chat box on the left side-bar…

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One Response to “I have a dream…”

  1. 1
    italia Says:

    mmm.. nice design, I must say..

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