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Wedding Snapshots 3: Back @ Our Home…tea ceremony

After fetching the bride, it was another hour of driving from one end of the Singapore to the other end. Now, the bridal car was occupied by 3 passengers: My groomsman, my bride as well as me.

The return journey was filled with laughter and stories of what had actually happened outside in the bride’s house. (Remember at that point in time, the bride missed all the actions happening outside the room.)

When I reached my house, I was surprised that some of my relatives were anxiously for the wedding couple to arrive.

Now, it was almost 10am and the next phase of our wedding day unfolded…with commencing of tea ceremony for the relatives of the groom

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2 Responses to “Wedding Snapshots 3: Back @ Our Home…tea ceremony”

  1. 1
    Yvonne Says:

    I like your wedding shots. Both u n yr lovely wife look great! Where did u take the shoots at (with kelong in the bkgrd)? Btw, what u use to create your blog?

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    thank you. 🙂 the kelong is at changi beach….and i use wordpress to do my blog

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