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Meeting of My Brothers (Wedding Helpers & Coordinators)

I’m extremely grateful to all the best buddies in the following picture. We had a meeting with my band of brothers who are very kind to help me in this wedding-planning.


They took up 7 various roles such as:
1) Brother Chief (in-charge of all brothers)
2) Banque Coordinator (in-charge of the banquet and liaise with the hotel coordinator)
3) Beverage Coordinator (in-charge of controlling flow of wine, beer and liquors)
4) IT Coordinator (in-charge of powerpoint and video presentation, microphones and liaise with hotel technicians)

5) Photographer (in-charge of photography for table-to-table toast, stage and tea-ceremonY)
6) Wedding Favors Coordinator (collect unused wedding favors)
7) Table-to-table Photography Coordinator (to help get guests organised for picture-taking)

It was tough to get everyone together for a meeting and I’m considered lucky to have 100% attendance rate for the first and only meeting.

My critieria for qualifying as Brothers:
1) Best-of-pal for many years
2) Best buddies

I must say there is no way I can return them this favor of helping me in planning my wedding. Still, I must say “Thank you very much!” for helping me and also sharing with me the joy of this wonderful occasion.

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