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My Big day is drawing near…so much feelings inside me. Looking back at how much we had prepared, we felt a sign of relief that we had done most of the things we need to do.

What are the other feelings do we have? I’m quite doubtful things will go well on that day. What do I meant by that? I’m talking about culture clash.

My fiancee is from Hong Kong and we do have friends and relatives from Hong Kong. In Singapore’s context, we practice what Singaporean practice. Hong Kong’s wedding custom is high complex, detailed and traditional. There must be exact timings to do certain things such as entering the door, going out of the house and so on. These are minor details.

I’m talking much on how people from Hong Kong will perceive. It will be a culture shock!!!

Plus, it will be the foreign guests’ first time to participate a wedding outside Hong Kong. So I do have my reason for my anxiety and doubt.

Possibilities of things that may not go well are like criticism of Singapore’s food. In Hong Kong, dishes are highly elaborated and grandified as to preserve face of the families that they can afford the huge expenses and the wedding couples are married in stlye.

Cantonese are well-know to be articulate critics with a twist. I grow up in a Cantonese-speaking environment and Cantonese doesn’t speak directly, they can be quite sarcastic when it comes to criticisms.

Another huge stressor is my FMIL. I hope that she won’t blame us for not following what she wants. We do sense the dissatisfaction and discontent. I know she is also trying to get used to the difference in culture and I certainly thank her for that.

I hope on tha wedding day and even after the wedding day, for whatever things that do not go as well as plan, I hope there won’t be any blame from anyone on anybody.

I told my fiancee that we have to learnt to enjoy that very important day. Yes, people do talk and criticise. Thier mouths belong to them and there is nothing we can do about that. But we can control our emotions in hearing their comments. We will still smile and let it go.

Let’s pray hard everything will go well!!! 🙂

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