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Bridal Hairstyles


hair1.jpgThe bride needs a few hours to have her hairstyle done; the bridegroom a mere 15 minutes.

Let the wedding gown guides the style you choose. Chances are you are not wearing a veil, so why not add a little to your fun hair. Try to go opposite of what you did the first time-be a little creative. Be more fun or romantic.

Remember being you is most important. Feeling comfortable that day while you look sensational can take a little time and consideration so be prepared.

?hair2.jpgModern look for?bold girls with pretty faces. Short, sharp, snappy cuts.

Bohemian look with Earthy elegance with a hint of bed-head chic.hair3.jpg

hair4.jpgUnfussy casual styles without much product, long and loose with fresh flowers pinned up.

?Do discuss with the hairstylists what style you prefer. Normally on the day of the indoor/ outdoor photo-shoot, the assigned hairstylist will spend sometime to give you some trials and discuss with you what kind of hairstyles you prefer or the kind of hairstyles she proposes.

?wed2.jpgArrange with the hairstylist the time she will need to reach your home on the wedding day. Get her contact number. Give her your contact number. Normally, she will call you one day before to confirm the address and the timing.

Bring pictures of different styles you like. You might like one picture because of the bangs, another picture because of the front of the hair; you’re following me right? What I’m saying is don’t afraid to be particular. But give a little room for your stylist to be a little creative.

wed1.jpgBuild rapport with her and she will most probably do a better job. If not, she will be treating you as another customer. Ask your stylist when they put the back up to show you the pins you could take out to create a second look for later in the evening.

wed3.jpgBe patient. It’s worth it for your hair. Remember your wedding only lasts a day; your pictures stay with you forever.??So, Which style would you prefer?

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6 Responses to “Bridal Hairstyles”

  1. 1
    Vicky Says:

    Ohhh, You have a beautiful site. Good info and pictures too!

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Vicky, thanks for ur compliment..i love ur website too..that is why i link it from my blog…:p

  3. 3
    Jealous Vicky Says:

    Wish I had thought up such a nice look and info!


  4. 4
    Jealous Vicky Says:

    Thanks for the link!

    Of course the new site domain is http://www.weddingsaffordable.com

    I like the nice hairstyle advice you give and the pictures to go with it. Nice, darling, very nice

  5. 5
    Jhong Ren Says:

    thank u..ur website is nice too…

  6. 6
    Jhong Ren Says:

    So u saying the 123….com..has changed?

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