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“Life being married” and other poems by guest blogger – Phyllis

Hey…today’s GUEST blogger is my friend Phyllis and this post is from her:

–.:Life being married:.–

I used to think I would be alone all my life
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment I was born
My life is already shared among those around me
My parents, my sister and brother
My relations and friends?

I used to think my love is the same for all dear to me
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment I fell in love
My life had already evolved
My family includes his family and vice versa
My space has became our joint space

I used to think in laws are difficult to get along
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment I become their son?s wife
My in laws became my parents
My position in his family is by his side
My new mission in life is to be a dutiful wife

I used to think that it is very crowded to share a bed
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment we become man and wife
My side of the bed is often empty, as it is his side that is crowded
My comfort is when I feel the warmth of his body
My lullaby is when I hear his breathing

I used to think that it is tough to make it on our own
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment we took our vows
My life is no longer mine alone
My husband and I now possess the power of 2
My happiness is his and ours to make

I used to think that life is tough
Who am I kidding?
As from the moment I said ? I do
My life is no longer the same as when I am single
My fears and my woes are no longer mine alone
My everyday is exciting from the moment I open my eyes

– to my husband whom I love with all my heart and share my life with J

here’s another poem that i wrote abt commitment 🙂rose.jpg?

C are for The One you love… 🙂
O pportunities for true love,
M ay happen only once,
M aybe, not at all in this life !
I love thee…
T hough we may not be,
M ost compatible,
E motions draw us close…
N atural instincts and fate,
T ie us together ?n? hopefully all our life…

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