The Perfect Wedding Speech
The Willow
The willow is simply a magnificent tree,
hang on, I don?t want to make this too elegant, too terse,
but then again, I don?t think I can resist the opportunity,
so can you stand just a little more of Jesson verse?
Now, I?m sure I?ll come back to the willow later,
and what I say then, might touch your heart,
but before we get to that, I?ve some thoughts,
now, where on Earth can I possibly start?
I guess I?ll start at the very beginning,
because Mum, you?ve always been there for me,
and I just wanted to say thank you, I love you very much,
you?ve made my world a better place to be.
Now, of course, I must mention my two brothers,
don?t worry, I haven?t forgotten you Jill, I mean wife,
but Ian and Paul, traditionally, you?ve been the best men today,
and just for the record, you?ve been the best men in my life.
Now, I?ve always known Jill to be a remarkable woman,
but she?s put this wedding together, without a pause,
so, ladies and gentlemen, I?m sure you?ll agree with me,
she deserves a massive, heartfelt round of applause.
But I also know she?s had a team of miracle workers,
and in truth, there?s just too many to individually list,
just know that there?s not one thought, gesture or action,
well, just know that there?s not one that?s been missed.
And I know that today wouldn?t have happened without you,
and I think those are words that everybody understands,
so, miracle workers, I?d like to applaud you,
once again, please put together those grateful hands.
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