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Crossroads Till End of Time

Sometimes, life is really unpredictable and exciting.

When you really believe hard enough, your dreams will come true.

Lately, some one asks me how much to buy me out of my bond.

I feel honored to have him asked me.

He is working for a very popular Small-Medium Enterprise which has million dollars of turnover each year and the number is flying by exponential figure.

The Director also asked me before how much to buy me out of my bond and asked me to join him.

As much as I want to cross over to their side, I do feel in a dilemma.

It is not easy to tell them that to cross over means killing me to bring my body across.

Of course, it is a metaphor, meaning how much I love my job.

I told my friend it will be priceless because we are talking about passion.
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“100 Charities” Project

bright smiles

To reach out to the more needy during this coming Christmas, we are embarking on a “Wedding Blog” project.

We want to reach out to 100 charities, giving them a present each during this Christmas Day.

Check out our New Project on reaching out to them.

Easy to prepare…Simple Healthy Food

peranakan dessert

Ondeh Ondeh

Ondeh Ondeh is a Peranakan dessert. It is easy to prepare and has valuable appetizing nutrients.

The main ingredient of Ondeh Ondeh is sweet potato. Sweet Potato is a complex carbohydrate food source and has a low glycemic index, which means it will give you energy for a longer period of time. It is an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), and a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, iron, copper and dietary fiber. In other words, the sweet potato is ideal for health-conscious food consumer, and though sweet and delicious it is not fattening.

Being a health conscious person myself, I would like to share this recipe with you. It is a real natural food with nothing artificial in it. I have modified it to have more sweet potato and using raw sugar. There is no need to measure anything, this is a lazy man?s recipe. Try it ? I am sure you will like it.

-1 kg sweet potatoes (do not buy the very soft type of sweet potato, check with the seller if you are not sure what this means)
– Pandan juice (optional)
– Tapioca flour
– A small packet of raw sugar.
– Half fruit of grated coconut (deskin)
? add a quarter teaspoon of salt and mix with coconut

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Do you know Our Mission?

reaching out to the world

Our Mission is to reach out to 1,000,000 Wedding Couples to help them make their wedding-planning easier and to make their marriages work!!!

How To Fry Egg

I have been blogging about Chinese wedding customs to follow. I know I still have some more customs and taboos to share such as:

4. Making noise in the newly-wed room
5. Only to have sex at the Right Time
6. Pig Cages
7. Widows are to be blamed

But I have decided to break the pattern and do some contents on cooking.

Yes, cooking!!! Let a guy share with you on how to fry an egg from a start.

I know many newly-wed couples have no idea how to cook and their newly-furnished branded kitchen sets are normally for display. How wasteful!!!

fry egg

Anyway, for a start, I can show you how to fry an egg.

I got this recipe and pictures from ehow.com. To know more about other recipes, you can visit their website.

Things You’ll Need
nonstick cooking spray
frying pan
cooking oil
2 large eggs

Step One:
Over medium heat, warm a small amount of oil or butter, perhaps 1 1/2 tsp., in a small (8-inch) skillet, or spray the pan with nonstick cooking spray.
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