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Archive for the 'Wedding Photographers' Category

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Email Interview TommyLeong.com



I had the chance to interview Tommy, the owner and wedding photographer of Tommy Leong.

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you start out and what is your wedding site about?

I am a wedding photographer who feels wedding photography is about the process and preparations of getting married.

Not just the wedding ceremony itself.

In the past , we see only the ceremony itself and very little of what

happens before and after the ceremony. Today, photojournalism is about the whole event and we cover it as if it is a whole story. To tell that story, we need to string together key events, not just random pictures.
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Email Interview 36frames.com


I had the chance to interview Ruey Loon. the owner and wedding photographer of 36 frames.

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you start out and what is your wedding site about?

Hi, Ruey Loon here, my website is www.36frames.com. I’ve been doing wedding photography for the last 6 years. When I started out right after university, I was the only one, 36frames is now a big family of 3 photographers and 2 videographers.

Although I studied Computer Engineering, I’m now a photographer. I can’t bear the thought of spending my life doing anything else.
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Email Interview TheGaleria.com


I had the chance to interview the photographer of TheGaleria.com
and his name is Brian Ho.

Here is the email interview:
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Email Interview PlushPhotography.com.sg


I had the chance to interview Eadwine, the Wedding Photographer of Plush Photography.

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you start out and what is your wedding site about?

Hi, I’m Eadwine and I’m a wedding photographer =). I started shooting weddings late 2004. After spending 2 years studying IT and giving up my masters in computing, I decided to pursue my passion for photography. Cliche I know but I kinda stumbled into Wedding photography and loved it since then.
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Email Interview 39EastImages.com


I had the chance to interview founder of 39 East and his name is CK.

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you start out and what is your wedding site about?

Well, let’s see, my names is Kuang and my company is 39 East. 39 East is made up of several photographers and our goal is simply to create beautiful photography. My career in professional photography started when I worked for newspapers in the US after college. After coming back to Singapore, shooting weddings in an unobtrusive manner seemed like a really natural development from my past job as a newspaper photographer.
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