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Inexpensive and Beautiful Wedding Centerpieces

from morgan_iscool

A very expensive wedding “must have” is gorgeous wedding centerpieces to set off your reception tables. When you order them from the local florist, you are paying high prices for quality flowers, shipping, special order fees and the floral designer’s talent and time.

With a little creativity and thought, you can make your own centerpieces that will not only radiate a special ambiance for your guests, but will make you proud of your own ingenuity.

Baby’s Breath is a staple in elegant centerpieces for any occasion and normally inexpensive. Combine large quantities of Baby’s Breath with roses or other dramatically colored flowers and you will have a centerpiece your guests will remember. Add ribbons that match your wedding colors to bring it all together. Put a large centerpiece on the head table and smaller replicas on the others.

You can also make a large centerpiece, as described above, for the head table and create related, but different centerpieces very inexpensively by spreading Baby’s Breath down the center of the tables, with an occasional rose tucked in. String ribbon in your wedding colors freely through the informal design to complete it.

Another option that produces spectacular results is to float large flowers in a shallow glass bowl of water with a few floating votives. Layer the bottom of each bowl with clear glass buttons (found at any craft store) for a sparkle effect. Glitter sprinkled lightly on the water will add to the sparkle. Light the votives just before the bride and groom arrive at the reception.

Some flowers that work well for this use are magnolias, azaleas, camellias, gardenias, hydrangeas, hibiscus and bougainvillea. If a friend or relative has any of these blooming bushes or trees in their yards, ask them for some blooms for your wedding.

If your wedding is scheduled for a time when fresh local flowers are scarce, gather slender branches from bushes or trees with large leaves, wrap their stems in ribbon and string them down the center of the tables. Lay flowers on top of the branches for a natural contrast.

Think about spraying the branches and leaves gold or silver to add sparkle to your table decorations and to easily create a different effect. Colorful flowers on top of gold or silver leaves are elegant. Wrap the flower stems with ribbon to complete the design.

Other items that can be used for inexpensive dramatic effects in your
centerpieces are strings of pearls or gold or silver beads that any craft or bead store will stock. Glitter lightly sprinkled down the center of a table and decorated with flower petals and strings of craft store beads is an easy solution for your reception.

Another idea is to make small rings of leaves and flowers and place a jar candle in the middle. The flickering candlelight will set the mood for your reception. Use unscented candles to avoid allergy problems with your guests. You could also use assorted jars, instead of candles, covered in a decorative material, like tulle, and used to hold simple flower bouquets.

Fruit displays are popular and create a very colorful design when piled as a pyramid in a pillar on a pedestal plate or glass bowl. Colorful ribbons that complement your wedding colors will complete this centerpiece.

These suggestions should get your own imagination and creativity started. Beautiful, elegant wedding receptions do not have to be expensive. Ribbons, beads, candles, glitter and an assortment of flowers and leaves can transform your reception hall into a wedding wonderland and not break your budget.

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