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Email Interview WowMedia.com.sg


Daniel videographer

I had the chance to interview the founder of WowMedia.com.sg, Daniel.

Wedding Animation Cartoon By Daniel

Here is the email interview:

1) Can you give me an introduction of yourself, when and how did you start out and what is your wedding site about?

My name is Daniel, 2 years ago I started Wow Media in Singapore, providing videography, photo montage creation and cartoon animation production for weddings.

So how did I get started in this wedding industry? Well, it was a bit complicated, and divine 🙂

My background was in Electrical & Electronics Engineering but my passion has long been in digital media. I started shooting video at wedding at 2004, but that time it wasn’t a full time job for me yet as I was doing quite a lot of other freelancing stuff, such as web design, game programming etc. To cut the long story short, there was a window of opportunity in year 2006 and I felt a tugging in my heart to step into the full time. I registered a business license and set up a website containing a brief description on my services and got my first official project few weeks later through the internet.

And today most of my clients are from the wedding industry. As mentioned previously we provide videography service, photo montage creation and cartoon animation production which recently I learnt that it has become very well received by people. Other than serving the local community, we had clients from U.S. and Hong Kong, and some of our clients are very high profile people such as the former Miss Singapore Universe.

2) I understand you have been in the wedding-related field for quite some time and is now successful. What do you think is the key factor to your success?

Well I wouldn’t consider myself as successful yet, but I’m thankful for what has being achieved thus far. Thanks to clients and partners that are happy with my service and refer me to others. I really appreciate that.

3) When you are working with couples, what is it that you are most proud of?

The beautiful memories of their speacial day is being captured and preserved, everything, the emotions, the laughter, the joy, the blessings of their love ones and the covenant they made to one another before God, family and friends.

I believe with all my heart that years later when couples look back at the video, it will surely remind them of their first love for each other.

Wedding Video By Daniel

4) What is the greatest challenge that you have faced while growing your career?

Because wedding is a one time event that can’t be replayed, I expect myself to treat every wedding projects like my own wedding. I will make sure I stay healthy and be at my tip top condition before I film.

In growing the career, the greatest challenge is to get talents not just with passion, but also with commitments.

5) Currently, what is the one wedding tip you want to give to soon-to-wed couples?

Make sure you’re marrying the right person! Many people may take this for granted but the sad truth is I have encountered couples that don’t even know whether their relationship can make it to the wedding day.

Wedding will last only a day, but marriage will last a lifetime. My best wishes to all who read this is that you will find the true love of your heart.

6) What are some of the areas do you think wedding couples always overlook when planning their own weddings? (can be pertaining to your own field – in this case videography)

Don’t do everything by yourself, involve your friends in things such mailing out the invitation cards and getting the bouquet, just ask and chances are you will be surprised at how willing they are to help.

7) Your final thought and advice for my wedding blog readers?

Prepare early, expect the unexpected, and most importantly, have FUN and enjoy your special day!

That?s the end of the interview.

If you are contacting this wedding vendor, do say Romance Fire sent you.

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