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I Want To Be A House-Husband

father and baby
photo from nooshin american

I was looking at my own marriage and reflecting on where I want it to be in 5 years’ time.

How can I see the future? I must be insane.

If we can plan for our studies, career and holidays, why can’t we plan for our marriage.

Would I want my marriage to be just like anyone else?

Wife and husband work in the morning and they only get to see each other after their work.

Wife and husband deposit their young kids in child care centre and they miss a whole lot of their growing up.

Wife and husband are drained mentally and physically due to raising up of their kids.

And they feel strangled.

Is this what you want for your marriage life?

I don’t want.

I’m now planning my retirement.

Yes! Retirement!

Erh, I’m still 28 and I’m planning to retired by next year and do the many things I want to do.

My dream job is to be a house-husband, taking care of my children 24 hours a day. I want to change their diapers, feed them milk from their bottles and be there for them when they first call “papa” or “mama”.

father and baby
photo from The Mumford Family

I just want to be at home and not miss any of the day with my children.

I plan to bring my job home and yes, I can do my job anywhere and bring my online business to the next level.

I plan to bring my wife and children for a holiday of 3 months 2 times a year and see the world.

“This father must be insane!” you could be thinking.

Yes! I’m insane and crazy enough to plan everything ahead for my wife and children.

Most likely, my wife can quit her job and do what she wants.

For the past 2 years, I have been working really hard, building my dream. My wedding blog has a new purpose with my new mission on making my wife the center of our marriage.

So this is my new mission, I want to help soon-to-wed and newly-wed to make their marriages work and the husbands can go a step furthere, making sure they put in their 1000% to take care of their wives.

So what do you think about my new mission? I would love to hear from you. You can leave your comment in the box below.

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3 Responses to “I Want To Be A House-Husband”

  1. 1
    Rob@Baby Prams Says:

    Hey John, they are some pretty amazing goals you have there. How are you going with them? I do online business as well and I know from experience it’s tough to be successful online.

    Would love to know your experiences thus far and if your on target to reach your goals?

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Rob,

    Wow, it has been a while I have last seen you.

    Yes, in fact, I am able to do it with my current income from online. But I love my job so much that I have pushed back my day to quit.

    Thanks for your concern…so how have you been my friend?


  3. 3
    Rob@Bugaboo Prams Says:

    Great to hear Jhong. That’s pretty impressive – you must be doing really well. I’m doing ok too…my business is only just starting to establish itself, it’s in its second year so its really make or break this year. I’ll only know by about mid year whether or not running an online biz is realistic.

    Great to hear your killing it though 🙂

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