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Going Insane Because of Your Wedding Stress?

I have heard of this saying that if you want to drive a woman crazy, all you need to do is to let her plan a wedding, preferably her own.

I think it is very true.

She will go insane because of the people around her incuding her parents, her fiance, her family and the people she has to work with.

1. How will her parents drive her insane?

If you are planning your wedding, you will know what I meant. Parents want the best for their daughter, but they didn’t know that they cause more harm.

Have you ever feel as if your parent, especially your mom is planning for her own wedding?

She would want you to wear certain color, especially red for the Chinese as it represents good fortune.

I remembered my mother-in-law wanted my wife to choose a bright red wedding gown and it looked so odd. Nowadays, youngsters like us want to choose contemporary color which suit our character and the current trend.

Can you imagine wearing your mom’s wedding gown now?

2. How can your fiance drive you met?

I was told my a bride that her fiance was glued to his computer whole day long and didn’t help out in calling the vendors as told. Eventually, the distance between them got further till the stage that the fiance didn’t call her for two whole weeks.

In the end, the wedding was called off.

The other instance was that the fiance’s mother wanted more table but due to budget constraint, the couples couldn’t afford it. The couple had earlier discussed that they will stand firm in whatever decision they had made as a couple.

However, the fiance gave a go-ahead when he saw her own mother because he was fearful of his own mother and the bride got very pissed.

3. How will you get pissed by those wedding vendors?

I got my example to share and I still remember very clearly.

The hotel coordinators quitted and I was only informed when we called up the hotel. It was about a month before our wedding. In fact, two coordinators have quitted and even the business executive had resigned and for a moment, we were wondering would the hotel close down.

It was no joke as our big day was approaching.

Another of my friend’s wedding gown’s ribbon was removed because the designer of that particular wedding boutique resigned and she was not told.

My friend was very nice and she didn’t make a big fuss over it. However, the staff didn’t inform her at all and there was no compensation of any kind at all.

Did I say that she only found out during her final fitting? And that was 2 days before her wedding day.

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