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3 Ways to Have a Stress Free Wedding!

You are at your half way mark planning your wedding and you feeling stressed out.

All along, you thought that planning your own wedding is fun and relaxing. Everything should be happy as it is a happy occassion after all. And you neevr expected your wedding to be a stress filled wedding!

While planning your wedding venue, you met up with an uncooperative staff who was not very responsive.

While trying to get your photographer, the price of hiring a good one overshoot your budget and you are confused if you should get one at all.

While planning your wedding, your fiance is too busy to help you out in anything at all and you are collasping.

These are real scenarios and yours may be worse. Your so-called responsible wedding helpers may leave you halfway because of disagreement in simple things like the color of bridesmaids’ dresses or they have to work that day.

You thought you are in safe hands but sorry you are not.

Oh know, you feel yourself exploding from inside out and you are just another thought closer to cancelling your own wedding.

So, how do you remove all these wedding stresses and have a stress free wedding?

I afraid you can’t because in the first place, it is unrealistic to even think about this.

This is life and part of life is stress, worries and more worries.

What about engaging a wedding planner who can help you look into all wedding matters?

Then, your source of stress will come to how you go about managing your wedding planner.

So, there is no such thing as “free planner stress wedding” after all.

When such stress comes, you still can manage them.

Here are 3 ways:

1. Getting support from your fiance

Set the stage right and draw out a well-defined plan at the very beginning of what to do what by when. Yes, you need to delegate your wedding tasks. As much a syou love your finace and don’t want to bother him too much, you still need to learn to work together as a couple. Isn’t that what marriage is about? Living together!

2. Getting the right wedding helpers

Your wedding team either makes or breaks yoour wedding plans. You should have one or two very good friends who really understand you and can, at certain times, make wise decisions for you. Eventually, your friends have to help you to free you up from as much wedding worries as possible and your main job is to look fabulous on your wedding day.

3. Take a break from wedding planning

Yes, there is so much truth to this statement. You don’t work 365 days in your job? What may happen? Likewise for wedding planning, take every weekend out and do something other than wedding planning. You still have to go dating with your fiance, have dinner and please don’t talk about wedding matters. Set that aside for weekdays.

I hope by following these 3 simple steps, you can have your stress free wedding.

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