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Working Hard At My Very Best for My Wife

Lately, you may have noticed a drop in the number of posts. I apologised for it as I was really busy working my job and building my dream.

How To Plan Your Fabulous Wedding
“My New Wedding e-Book Cover” >.<

My new Wedding Planning e-book is about to be launched soon and I’m doing another project with some very good friends of mine.

I would like to talk about these male friends I have. They are all married and we all have a common dream.

We all work towards the common dream of giving our wives a better and more comfortable life.

I remember Warren Buffett, the 2nd richest man in the world once expressed in the press conference how he had changed after becoming a very wealthy man.

He mentioned he didn’t change much. It was just that his wife lives slightly better.

Marriage life has definitely changed me for the better.

In order to recoup the huge amount of money spent for our wedding, I am working really very hard to re-build up my savings.

You know that wedding drains the bank account like nobody’s business. You know exactly how I feel, especially if you are planning your wedding right now.

There are so many deposits to be made. There are deposits for the wedding dinner venue, the bridal package, the wedding photography package, red packets to stand-by.

The list which involves money is endless.

I have seen friends spending even more money when they have yet to mend the big hole in their bank accounts.

Both are very much in debt and they are again moving on into their newly married life without discussing about their financial statements.

So they again borrowed money for their house renovation and they are now again at least $50,000 in debt.

Oh dear! I won’t want our financial situation to be so messy.

In my opinion, it is too messy.

Without learning how to build their passive incomes streams, I can guanrantee you they will end up with more and more debt even if they very much want to cream out a bigger portion of their current salaries to pay off their debts.

This is a vicious cycle! And sad to say about 98% of people are like this.

As a husband of the house, I am currently focusing on building our passive income streams. It is not going to be easy but I am going to do whatever it takes.

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