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Exercising a Day Keeps the Relationship Going Strong!

I know exercising takes commitment especially when you need to literally drag the other significant half to the park to exercise with you.

Most of the times, we are bogged down with work. Who isn’t?

I’m glad my wife decided today to join me in an evening hike.

I thank her for her commitment as I’m sure it takes alot of thinking through to first put aside her work and join me in my exercise routine.

I know it is tough. It may be similarly tough for you to motivate your husband to join you in something you have always enjoyed.

In a relationship and especially in a marriage, it takes consistency to encourage your other significant half to be interested in your life.

However, before asking someone to be interested in our life, we have to be first interested in theirs.

I know my wife wants to take part in salsa dancing. We have been pushing this plan off for the moment as we had taken up pilate classes earlier this year.

It was really fun having to spend the morning half of every Sunday to do stretching and breathing exercises with my wife.

So how can exercising enhance the relationship?

I know walking down an endless path in the midst of the jungle certainly help in creating more chances for us to chit-chat about anything under the sun.

There is practically nothing else to do except to walk forward while admiring the greenery on the side of the footpath.

The walk took about 1.5 hour and we spent the same amount of time talking.

Throughout the entire week, we really found it hard to talk as we were both very tired. We only managed to steal some time during dinner and before we sleep to find out about each other’s daily life.

Exercising about makes us feel more refreshed and less temperamental. Sometimes, stress from work certainly overwhelms us and we just need exercise to recharge.

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