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Great Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair (Part 1)

By Susan Bishop

Every bride must decide how she will wear her hair. Which can be easier said than done I know.

Besides you?ve been waiting for this day for a long time. So you deserve to look glamorous, don?t you?

Luckily long hair can be styled many ways – from formal to more casual. So when it comes to wedding hairstyles for long hair you?ll find there are many options. Here are four.

Classic Swept Updo

Long Layered Cut

The French Twist

An Elegant Bun

For instance one good style for long hair is the classic swept up do. It can be a stunning hair style that suits almost any face. It will really complement any wedding dress too. Especially the long flowing type. The swept up do also looks great beneath the veil. And don?t forget the look of classic updos are always fashionable and they are real head-turners.

You could also get a long layered cut. It works well with either wavy or straight hair. If you like this can be adorned with a variety of wedding hair accessories. Use mousse for texture and after blow drying tousle with your fingers a bit for the finishing touch. A long layered cut offers a casual look but one that?s still very polished.

Wedding Hair Style Tip: Stop by the beauty salon weeks before the big day to check out the possible wedding hairstyles for long hair. You stylist can make you aware of some good ideas. Plus they should be able to let you see how any of these dos would look on you. They can also advise which of the many wedding hairstyles for long hair suits you and your hair best. Making it easier to choose.

Of course the French twist is another timeless style. It?s one that works well with high neckline gowns and girls with hair that falls just past the shoulders. Anymore you want the veil situated slightly farther back. To get that have your stylist give the twist a bit more height.

Favorite wedding hairstyles for long hair come in another flavor too.

Why not consider the classic bun accented with say a pearl and gold headband? The stylist may work from a French twist or a ponytail. Most feel that working from the twist makes it easier to form and preserve the bun.

I trust this gives you some sensuous ideas on wedding hairstyles for long hair! That will help take you all the way to glamorous no doubt.

But wait! There?s more. Part Two of this article can be found at https://www.fullerheadofhair.com/a/bridal-hair-styles.shtml. On that page you will find 17 more exciting ideas for bridal hair styles that you do not want to miss.”

From Google search, I manage to find images wedding hairstyles for long hair .

Here are what I have found:

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from tahoeweddinghair.com

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from hairstyles.free-beauty-tips.com

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from sevensoupcans.com

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from just-hairstyles.com

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from prom.hairresources.net

Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair

from www.123-hairstyles-ideas.com

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2 Responses to “Great Wedding Hairstyles for Long Hair (Part 1)”

  1. 1
    Jane Says:

    Those are beautiful hair styles! I know a lot of people who try to save money by doing their own hair, which is great but there are two cardinal rules to follow…1) practice the style in advance (just like with a hair stylist!) and 2) use good hair appliances so you don’t leave your hair looking damaged from too much heat (my current favorites are from the new Bed Head line).

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    Hi Jane, yup you are right….always do something familiair rather than try something new when it is too near the wedding day…

    if brides want to try new stuff, do it a few months before the wedding day so that there is time to adjust and fine tune 🙂

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