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Moving On Beyond Unsuccessful Wedding

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I recently text a reader of mine who I treated as a friend. Her wedding plan didn’t turn out as well as expected and I was worried for her.

Her wedding was called off.

She replied she was doing fine and moving on in her life.

That is the spirit!

I couldn’t tell her “I understand how I feel.”

I never will. Neither will you.

How will we understand what someone has gone through?

I don’t think I ever will.

Looking at the brighter perspective, it may be better for some of us to relook at what we actually want for our marriage.

It is also a good time to review if he is someone who we want to live with for the rest of our lives.

I was reading this marriage guide book for newly-wed couples this afternoon.

I am not sure how much you will agree.

It said that before marriage, we present the best side of ourselves so as not to lose each other.

After marriage, we reveal our true selves and if we can’t stand each other, our marriage may become shaky.

What do you think about this?

The marital guide book also mentioned that relationship should be viewed as a partnership.

It is journey of always supporting each other till the end of time.

I am going to spend time with my wife now and so I would like to end off with this.

As married couples, we should not focus on the flaws. Rather, we use our unique strengths to support and complement each other.

And as men, we have to do our best to lay our ego low. There are many times we need our wives to help us.

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