Happy Teachers’ Day!!!

I was thinking for the whole night what is difference between my wedding blog compared to other more popular ones like weddingbee.com and ohjoys.blog.com. They are always recommending wedding items to buy or wedding items other brides use, in my own opinion.
To pull oneself through the ups and downs of wedding planning, there is more to getting the tasks completed and items prepared. I feel brides and grooms from across the globe need more support in terms of emotional aspect.
I feel more can be shared on how you can sustain your flame with your spouse while planning your wedding and after marriage. I think my wedding blog will be sharing with you more on relationship tips to sustain marriage for the newly-weds.
OKie, I digress abit. Tomorrow is 1st September which has always been Teachers’ Day when students from all schools celebrate.
There will be celebration in schools. And for those more favored teachers, their desks will always be packed with gifts and flowers from students who adore them.

For those who are more hated or dislike, their desks will be empty. Thus, Teachers’ Day is a the judgement day when teachers’ popularity are measured in relation to the gifts they received.
Once a year, teachers’ efforts are rewarded. However, it is only on this day that we, as students, show our appreciation to the teachers. I hope not.
Similarly to our anniversaries when we first meet our wives, when we first kissed, when we first held hands, when we first got together as an official couple, when we got married and so on, is it only on these “special” days that we reward our spouse with tender, loving care.
In my own opinion, everyday should be a day when we treat our spouse with the utmost love she can get, as if it is our last day on earth.
Just like the last dance or the last kiss, it is the “last” moment or “last” chance to do it that make it so special and lasting.
Imagine your honey is going on an oversea posting for 2 years and you won’t see him till 730 days later. The kiss that you give him before he departs is going to be most extraordinary and special compared with the other kisses you had.
Now is early in the morning and I had just specially woke up early to make breakfast for my wife before she went to work.
Nothing special. Just tea and hard-boiled egg.
A few days ago, she just got her bouquet of lilies which I made an effort just to travel to town area to get from her. It took me 2 hours.
She had another bouquet of roses in July and a few more earlier on spreaded out in the last few months.
I want to make it a point we can celebrate something once every one or two months.
It does not necessary need to be our birthdays or wedding anniversaries.
We celebrate her effort to be a good wife and a responsible teacher.
We celebrate every little success we see in our lives.
We celebrate the fact we have each other every day.
So, will you celebrate something with your spouse today?
No reason to do it.
Just send him a text-message saying that “You are the most special person to me and I love you very much.”
Do it now. I will wait for you.
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