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Wedding Taboos Part 7: No One Night Stand

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One night stand has been really common among our society. Even teenagers as young as nine years old do know what it really means and you may be surprised that some teenagers tell you that it is an “in” thing nowadays to sleep around.

looking at girl

Some teenagers as young as thirteen stay overnight in their boyfriend’s or girlfriend’s place once in a while.

Or sometimes more than thrice a week.

I know of a young lady who had been sleeping over in her boyfriend’s place ever since she was 13.

Of course, such acts are frowned upon by the previous generation. However, it is getting more and more common among students nowadays.

Thus, cohabitation among young adults are not the “worse” you have heard of.

I have a friend whose boyfriend has been staying in her house and they are not married yet.

Now if you ask a lady if she feels shameful of having sleeps in someone’s else home before married, she will have asked you “which century are you living in?”

I have heard of real cases of young girls who have been staying overnight in different men’s houses and it is definitely not for having home tuition or burning midnight oil for the coming exam.

This is in contrast to bygone days when women had to stay as virgin until their wedding night.

In the past at least for our generaion, staying over in the opposite gender’s house is a big no-no. Even if it is for the reason of working in groups of friends and needing to finish a project.

I know our Chinese parents are still very conservative nowadays and won’t have allowed any of their daughters (even if they are in their twenties) to stay over in their boyfriends’ home.

Sometimes, I wonder still there is no stopping them of “temporarily co-habitating” in the school hostels. In our local universities, students illegally stay in their partners’ rooms.

They won’t be found out as long as long as they don’t make too much “unnecessary noise” at night.

I guess the parents are still ignorant of such common trends existing in school nowadays.

In some wedding forums, some soon-to-be brides have openly declared that they have above-average level of intimacy before their weddings. Some even admit that they have done “it” and some become fearful of walking down the aisle with a bigger stomach.

In the past, it will bring shame and disgrace to the bride’s family.

gown for pregant bride

Now, there is even a huge market for wedding gowns for pregnant brides!!!

Another unhealthy trend is having extra-marital affair. In the past, if such affairs were discovered, the punishment was submerging of the couples in pig cages and the cages were thrown into the river.

Seriously right now, affairs are getting more and more common as each day passes and both men and women have equal chances of having “secret lovers”.

Of course, nowadays if such underground relationships are discovered, couples are not punsihed and they seek the easy way out to file for a divorce.

Other Must Read! 8 Part Series wedding taboos:

Wedding Taboos Part 8: Spare Not the Widows
Wedding Taboos Part 7: No One Night Stand
Wedding Taboos Part 6: Having Sex at The Wrong Place
Wedding Taboos Part 5: Making noise in the newly-wed room
Wedding Taboos Part 4: Is this your 3rd time being bridesmaid?
Wedding Taboos Part 3: Walking Under Pants
Wedding Taboos Part 2: Compatibility of Chinese Horoscopes
Wedding Taboos Part 1: 7 Taboos You Ought to Know For Your Big Day

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One Response to “Wedding Taboos Part 7: No One Night Stand”

  1. 1
    Coldie Says:

    Maybe times has change… No one believe in fairy tales story anymore.

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