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Wedding Taboos Part 1: 7 Taboos You Ought to Know For Your Big Day

Flower and Happiness
from astrologycom.com

Though our society has advanced much nowadays, when it comes to wedding taboos, many Chinese families still do their best to avoid them on such big occassions.

There are some Chinese wedding taboos that I would like to talk about in these few days and coincidentally, there were very similar to what I have heard about while preparing my wedding last year.

7 Wedding Taboos:
1. Compatibility of Chinese Horoscopes
2. Walking under the elder brother’s pants
3. Is this your 3rd time being bridesmaid?
4. Making noise in the newly-wed room
5. Only to have sex at the Right Time
6. Pig Cages
7. Widows are to be blamed

Do look out for the blog posts next few days to find out if you are doing the right thing.

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