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3 Important Points To Know before Your Wedding Photoshoot

wedding photoshoot

“Hi Jhong Ren,

Can I check with you what are the essential stuff and things to do and bring during indoor and outdoor photoshoot?


Hi Shelen,

I would like to reply you in the form of a post so everyone can benefit. Hope that it is ok with you. 🙂

A breakdown of schedule for your wedding photoshoot. Again, this is a rough estimate as different bridal studios have different practice.

For mine at Seletar Boradway, it was like:
9am: report to studio
10am: make-up by make-up artist
11am to 2pm: Indoor shoot for wedding gown, evening gowns, Chinese Kuas and other costumes if any

2pm to 3pm: Lunch
3pm to 5pm: Continue with indoor shoot
5pm to 9.30pm: Outdoor phootshoot at two venues

Things to bring for Bride:
1. A basic make-up kit for touch up during outdoor photoshoot
2. Different pair of shoes for your wedding gowns, evening gowns and kuas.
3. Water bottle to be brought outdoor
4. Some pictures of preferred hairstyles to show the make-up artist how you want your hairstyle to be like
5. A personal helper if any
6. A pair of comfortable footwear such as slippers or sandals for outdoor photoshoot. (there will be lots of walking and thus it would be good if you can wear something really comfortable.)
7. Casual wear if there is one for your photoshoot

Things to bring for Groom:
1. Ties and shirts that match the color of the wedding and evening gown.
2. Leather shoes
3. Casual wear if there is one for your photoshoot

Things to bring for both Groom and Bride:
1. A digital camera to take funny shoots which can be used for wedding scrap book and be kept as memory or even be used for video show during wedding dinner.
2. Water bottle
3. Umbrella

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