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8 Important Dates that You Must Remember to Stay Alive

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Thinking that you have a load of dates to remember for your work, there are more to come.

wedding date

Wedding planning is a mega project with a massive number of dates to remember.

If you do not have a diary to record the dates and you do not want to forget any of the following important dates, I suggest you stop reading right now and go get a personal wedding diary.

I remembered right after the proposal, a date has to be set aside to talk to my wife’s mother so as to tell her the good news.

Right after that throughout the wedding plannng phase, there were endless number of dates to set aside to visit the many bridal studios, the hotels, the photographers and the videographers, to carry out the customary wedding practice and to renovate the bedroom.

Even though it may be convenient for the wedding couple to take the easy way out to discuss over the phone or to sign the contract right at the bridal exhibition, it may not be so ideal in the long term.

Recently, I got an email from a bride telling me that she changed her bridal studio and she lost her thousand dollars deposit.

The bridal studio was a reasonably popular one but the experience she had with them was so bad and really pissed her off such that she had to forgo the deposit she had with them.

What actually happened was that the sales coordinator taking care of her and her fiance was not very helpful. She needed a gown of a different size and it seemed to unavailable in the whole of the wedding studio. The sales coordinator was pushing them to complete their selection, telling them to hurry up so that she could meet her next customers.

The staff also told her of the many additonal charges that she had to fork out and interestingly, these were not revealed when this bride had signed up for the package at the exhibition.

This bride told me to share her unpleasant wedding experience with my readers. She learnt that it will be ideal to visit the bridal studio before signing any package. In addition to that, I would like to add that you may want to chat with the customers you may meet at the bridal studio to find out more about their services and complaint if any.

This applies to the rest of the bridal services.

Beside re-scheduling of all dates and even restarting the planning phase for this case, there are the 8 very important dates to remember.

There are your wife’s birthday, your mother-in-law’s birthday, your father-in-law’s birthday, the day you met your wife, the day you propose to your wife, the date of solemnisation and the wedding day.

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2 Responses to “8 Important Dates that You Must Remember to Stay Alive”

  1. 1
    reismion Says:

    Changing of bridal studio is v common n mostly due to bad sales personnel. I hope such services would improve and save all future couples the agony of having to switch bridal studios midway during preps. The prep pain is already agonizing enough. 😛 My 2-cents worth.

    P.S. the dates are v useful IMO. 😉

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    you are right and i agree with u totally…those wedding couples with good wedding experience at bridal studios, as what i heard from, are those who know the boss or the upper managements….so the staff do see where the customers are coming from….

    what a realistic world!

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