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How to Choose Your Wedding Gifts?

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Wedding gift is a must. Giving the gift represents appreciation to your partner.

I gave my wife many wedding gifts during the wedding day,

I made those gifts for her.

I generated the ideas a few days before the wedding day and completed the wind charm on the eve of wedding day.

There are many other gifts you can make.

You can write a card telling how much you love your partner and thanking him or her for coming into your life.

You can give her another diamond ring but again not all women like this idea as it is too common.

You can DIY most of the wedding gifts. DIY makes your wedding gifts special, unique and one of a kind.

You can write a poem and make a beautiful border around the poem. Next laminate the poster or frame it up.

You can write a love letter and seal the envelope with your kiss.

My sense is it doesn’t really matter what gift you make. It is the thoughts and effort of making the gifts that counts.

No matter how the gift turns out to be, it is done by you with your name as the brand.

Here are 5 things you can do for your wedding gifts:
1. Love letter sealed with your kiss
2. Poem with frame
3. Love card
4. Calendar of 12 pictures of you and your partner
5. Using toothpicks to make a structure of love

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