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Wedding Entertainment

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Wedding dinner has always been so routine and we kind of expect what will definitely happen at a typical wedding dinner.

No doubt, we are there to give our blessings to the wedding couples, it could be really very boring at times especially you have to sit with strangers you may not have seen before.

Dishes were dished out one after the other and we just ate and ate, avoiding conversation.

Even if relatives do get to sit together and their bond is not close, the few hours could be one of the longest in their lives.

That is why allocation of guests to every table is important and this will determine if the guests really enjoy themselves.

wedding violin

A typical wedding dinner goes like this:
1. Cock-tail reception
2. Wedding 1st March-in
3. Presentation of 1st dish
4. Showing of 1st video of wedding couples’ childhood photos
5. Wedding 2nd March-in
6. Cake-cutting and champagne pouring
7. Showing of 2nd video of wedding couples’ courtship days

I managed to type the list out in less than a minute and it only shows the many weddings that I have attended are mostly the same.

The only wedding dinner that I have enjoyed most was that of my cousin’s. There was songs being sung by live singers throughout the wedding dinner.

The guests were so hyped out that they were waving hands in the air when the singers sung. It was just like a concert.

Other wedding entertainment that I could think of is playing of wedding music by a group of musicians.

And while surfing the net, I happened to find this group of musicians who call themselves “Grace Notes”

Here is a short introduction about them:
“Grace Notes internally function as a dedicated group of musicians who have had years of chamber music experience in the local music scene, playing together since 2001. Therefore, we have played in most major hotels, country clubs, indoor and outdoor garden wedding venues in Singapore, including holiday resorts in Bintan. Although we share our music predominantly as a string quartet and trio, we are always open to your requests and our extensive contacts within the music circle allow us be flexible.”

Grace Notes has kindly given an offer to all “My Wedding Blog” readers – Yes! You…a 10% off String Trio Fees.

Wedding Musician

If you are interested to know more details, you can check out their website.

Please bear in mind that Romance-Fire has no affiliation with this company, and we cannot vouch for or bear responsibility for quality of products or services provided.

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2 Responses to “Wedding Entertainment”

  1. 1
    del Says:

    thanks for the useful info!

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    you are welcome 🙂

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