Wedding Blog Readers, Thank you all
I want to delegate this post to “My Wedding Blog” readers.
I want to thank all of you for your support and I hope “My Wedding Blog” has benefitted not just in your wedding planning, but also in relationship and marriage.
Here is a summary of my traffic.
the number of unique visitors for the last 7 days
Now, it is mid-May and the traffic is the most for this year
Top Countries reading “My Wedding Blog” for April 07
#1 in Google Search for “Wedding Blog Singapore”
I am also preparing a string of wedding or marriage-related posts contributed by other bloggers in the same arena.
My purpose is to gather a team of bloggers with common interest and passion!!!
If you want to contribute, do submit a post of about 250 posts (must be wedding or marriage or relationship related).
*You will get a link back to your blog or site.
- Have a romantic story to share? We'd love to hear your story of celebration. Here are 3 great prizes to be won! (worth over $997)
- Have something to share about your Relationship & Love or have a Bride to be Problem you can't solve? Visit Our Ultimate Caring Forums
relationship tips you can use for your wedding & marriage.
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