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China’s Longest Wedding Gown

After blogging about men’s ideal wedding gown, I want to show you something that threw me off my chair.

You know that wedding gowns come with different lengths of the trains, some some, some long, others very long.

I was surfing net and I saw this.

“In northwest China’s Urumqi city, a unique wedding ceremony attracted a lot of attention. The train of the bride’s wedding gown stretched 99 meters, making it the longest one measured in China to date.

50 flower girls were needed to hold the train for the bride so that she could move. Prior to this one, the longest wedding gown in the country was 67 meters long.”

quoted from https://english.cri.cn

longest wedding gown

longest wedding gown

from english.cri.cn

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2 Responses to “China’s Longest Wedding Gown”

  1. 1
    Dating Specialist Says:

    Hey, the couple is creating job opportunities! For part-timers I mean haha 😀

    Wonder how much effort she needs to make a turn, or to transport herself to another spot.

  2. 2
    Jhong Ren Says:

    maybe she has to stay there and people come to her… :p

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